Lead institution:
Alma Mater Studiorum, University of Bologna – Italy
CoastPredict is transforming the science of observing and predicting the Global Coastal Ocean, from river catchments, including urban scales, to the oceanic slope waters.
It integrates observations with numerical models to produce predictions with uncertainties from extreme events to climate, for the coastal marine ecosystems (their services), biodiversity, co-designing transformative response to science and societal needs. CoastPredict redefines the concept of the ‘Global Coastal Ocean’, focusing on the many common worldwide features, to produce observations and predictions of natural variability and human-induced changes in the coastal areas and upgrades the infrastructure for data exchange in line with recognised standards.
Start Date: 01/05/2021
End Date: 30/04/2031
This Programme hosts the following Ocean Decade Projects:
Integrated coastal ocean observing and predicting
Integrating Coastal Hazard Warning Systems for TAC
European Knowledge Hub on Sea Level Rise
Coastal Ocean Resource Environment
AI ensemble engine for coastal hazard predictions
PH ocean observing and coastal resource management
Lead Contact: Nadia Pinardi (nadia.pinardi@unibo.it)