Lead institution:
University of Montpellier, Marine Biodiversity, Exploitation and Conservation laboratory – France
University of British Columbia, Institute for the Oceans and Fisheries – Canada
Rutgers University – USA
Biodiversity research and management in the context of unprecedented global change rely on ecological monitoring programs.
Scientific bottom-trawl surveys sample marine communities associated with the seafloor along continental shelves and slopes of seas and oceans. FISHGLOB integrates surveys across every continent thanks to an international network of experts. The database currently includes metadata from 95 surveys, and data for more than 3.000 fish taxa from 65 surveys conducted between 1963 and 2020.
FISHGLOB aims to create a sustainable scientific platform that brings together marine data and experts from countries worldwide to form a network of scientists, governmental agencies, and stakeholders. Building from this platform, FISHGLOB will enable research and management in the rapidly changing ocean. By facilitating open and multinational science, this project will identify baselines to understand and predict fish diversity change and help to guide management actions.
This project is composed of (in alphabetical order of last name):
- Aurore Maureaud, Rutgers University
- Bastien Mérigot, University of Montpellier
- Deng Palomares, University of British Columbia
A Steering Committee:
- Alexa Fredston, University of California Santa Cruz
- Robert Guralnick, University of Florida
- Zoë Kitchel, Rutgers University
- Aurore Maureaud, Rutgers University
- Bastien Mérigot, University of Montpellier
- Juliano Palacios-Abrantes, University of British Columbia
- Deng Palomares, University of British Columbia
- Laurène Pecuchet, University of Tromsø
- Malin Pinsky, Rutgers University
- Nancy Shackell, Fisheries and Oceans Canada
- James Thorson, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
and the FISHGLOB consortium composed of data providers and experts across the globe.
FISHGLOB is structured in 4 main working groups, led by:
- Consortium-building activities, Zoë Kitchel & Juliano Palacios-Abrantes
- Infrastructure development integrating the consortium’s expertise and data, Aurore Maureaud & Robert Guralnick
- Research applications leveraging the consortium’s expertise and infrastructure, Alexa Fredston, Malin Pinsky & Laurène Pécuchet
- Applications for ocean management and involvement of stakeholders, Nancy Shackell & Julia Mason (Environmental Defense Fund)
To join the FISHGLOB consortium or to sign up for our mailing list, please fill out this form. You can also reach us at fishglobconsortium@gmail.com.
This project is hosted by the Ocean Decade Programme SUstainability, Predictability and REsilience of Marine Ecosystems (SUPREME)
Start Date: 01/04/2020
End Date: 31/03/2028
From 2020-2023, FISHGLOB was funded by the French Foundation for Biodiversity Research – the Centre for the Synthesis and Analysis of Biodiversity (FRB–CESAB), the Canadian Institute for Ecology & Evolution (CIEE), and the French Embassy in Canada.
Lead Contacts: Bastien Mérigot (bastien.merigot@umontpellier.fr), Aurore Maureaud (aurore.aqua@gmail.com) and Palomares (m.palomares@ocean.ubc.ca)