Lead institution:
NOAA – United States of America (USA)
Central to the Decade is the need for stakeholders to co-develop and co-deliver transformative, multi-disciplinary ocean science while linking and aligning scalar-specific initiatives to broader priorities.
However, in research programs that lack bottom-up mechanisms, important local issues are lost to larger national or subnational institutions, and needed info is never generated or not applied. Valuable research may be published, but never properly transitioned to managers and policy-makers. In addition, local and indigenous knowledge that could guide research programs is often lost in top-down models. The National Sea Grant College Program is a proven model to engage universities, government agencies, and stakeholders acting in partnership to promote research, education, and outreach/extension related to marine issues. This project would share the model with international partners and encourage the establishment of similar programs through workshops and learning exchanges.
Start date: 01/01/2000
End date: 31/12/2030
Lead Contact: Meredith Kurz (meredith.kurz@noaa.gov)